Kupanga ni Kuchagua

Staff Profile

Mr. Luhuvilo Lupondo - Assistant Lecturer

Area of Expertise

Project planning and management

Work Experience

Luhuvilo Mlungwana Lupondo works as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Rural Development and Regional Planning of the Institute of Rural Development Planning. He is an Expert in Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation with 3+ years of experience as a researcher, trainer, and consultant in the field of Project Management.

Professional Skills

  • Impact evaluation of development project
  • Project management
  • Wide experience (since 2004) in preparation of Council plans.
  • Processing and statistical analysis of data. Also, effective in writing and presenting the research results
  • Designing online mobile data collection platforms using most current technologies, i.e. Survey Solutions and OpenDataKit (ODK).
  • Wide knowledge and skills in the use of professional software and tools, such as Google Earth and GPS, for natural resources mapping, assessment, and management.
  • Experienced in the use and applications of statistical packages such as IBM SPSS and   STRATA and performing  statistical analysis, such as Multinomial Linear Regressions and binary logistic regression equation (model)

Research and academic Interests

My main research and academic interests are in Crop production, Health services, Livestock production marine resources, Education services, Special groups, street children, women, people with disabilities, and environmental degradation and control.


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