Kupanga ni Kuchagua

Staff Profile

Ms. Nahayo Jimmy Amos - Assistant Lecturer

Area of Expertise

Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Laws, Commercial Laws, Criminal Laws, Legal Research Works and Consultancy as well as Alternate Dispute Resolutions and Settlements

Work Experience

Nahayo Jimmy Amos (Esq.) works as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Finance and Management Studies of the Institute of Rural Development Planning. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania and all other subordinate courts thereto with 6+ years of experience as a lawyer, researcher, trainer, legal practitioner and consultant in the field of Economic Laws and various other fields of Law, not limited to civil laws, administrative laws, constitutional law, commercial laws, labour laws, land laws, environmental laws and Alternate Dispute Resolution. She is also an expert in Corporate and Commercial Laws with a Master’s Degree (LL. M) in Economic Laws.

Professional Skills

  • Experienced in delivering lectures and assisting students in various field and research tasks to both non-degree and degree programmes.
  • Advocacy and consultancy in corporate, commercial and other fields of law in Tanzania and in other common law countries.
  • Wide knowledge concerning land and mortgage financing legalities in Tanzania mainland.
  • Extensive skills in training and research works concerning Law related to community development and local government administrative activities.
  • Wide-ranging experience (since 2017) in representing and advising clients before and outside the courts in both civil and criminal matters; as well as drafting and filing of necessary legal documents in court and legal opinions related.

Research and academic Interests

The main research and academic interests are on community development laws, civil laws, administrative laws, constitutional laws, commercial laws, labour laws, environmental laws and Alternate Dispute Resolution, land laws and corporate governance as well as business innovation and entrepreneurship for community advancement.


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