Mr. Nsajigwa Mwalupani is working in the Department of Population Studies at the Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) as an Assistant Lecturer and he lectures on Statistics, Data Processing, Analysis and Presentation (SPSS & STATA), Mathematics, Quantitative Methods, Data Collection Techniques, Sampling and Sample Size Calculation, Socio-Economic Profiles and Research.
Between 2017 and 2022, Mr Nsajigwa Mwalupani collaborated with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to prepare the socio-economic profile for the Geita Town Council and review the Ubungo socio-economic profile.
From July 2015 to November 2022, Mr. Nsajigwa Mwalupani worked as a statistician at Geita Town Council and Ubungo Municipal Council.
Mr. Nsajigwa Mwalupani is result-oriented, self-confident, self-motivated, and able to work well independently, with a team, and organize others.
My main research and academic interests are in statistical modeling, health, agriculture, education, and forecasting