Kupanga ni Kuchagua

Staff Profile

Dr. Irene Regnard - Senior Lecturer

Area of Expertise

Environmental Economics/ /Agricultural economics/ /Natural resources Economics

Work Experience

Irene Regnard (PhD) works as a senior lecturer in the Department of Environmental Planning of the Institute of Rural Development Planning. She is an environmental economist with 17 years of experience as a researcher, trainer and consultant in the fields of environmental economics, natural resources economics assessment, agricultural economics assessment, and environmental management and planning.

Professional Skills

  • Extensive knowledge of evaluation of natural resources, both use and non-use value of natural resources
  • Extensive skills in using cost-benefit Benefit Analysis as a tool in decision making
  • Inclusive knowledge of natural resources management
  • Wide knowledge of Natural resources and agricultural data collection in different parts of Tanzania
  • Wide-ranging knowledge of group mobilization and Sensitization, Capacity building, and surveying Groups dynamics and gender
  • Experienced in the use and applications of statistical packages (SPSS, Statistical) for various data analysis

Research and academic Interests

The main research and academic interests are in Water resources management, environmental economics, agricultural economics, natural resources economics, and climate change adaptation and mitigation


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