Kupanga ni Kuchagua

Staff Profile

Prof Omari Bilali Mzirai - Associate Professor

Area of Expertise

e.g. Agricultural Engineering/Natural Resources Management (Soil and Water)/ Management Information Systems (Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI)) /Programming/Modeling of Agro Ecosystems/Climate Change Modelling/GHG Inventories/Resource

Work Experience

Omari Mzirai (PhD), Associate Professor of Environmental Planning, brings over 20 years of experience in research, teaching, and consultancy. His expertise spans natural resources management, environmental planning and management, climate change modelling, rainwater harvesting, land use planning, and socio-economic analysis. Prof. Mzirai has led research teams, coordinated consultancies, and taught courses on management information systems, development, environment and poverty, strategic development, water resources management, and environmental assessments. His work extends to agricultural development strategies, decentralization initiatives, climate finance research, and feasibility plans, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable development through comprehensive planning and evaluation.

Professional Skills

  • Developed PARTCHTHRIST agro hydrological model for macro catchment rainwater harvesting systems for semi-arid areas of Tanzania.
  • Development of pedotrasfer function for assessment of soil hydraulic properties for Itogolo soils in Sukuma land catena 
  • Extensive skills in using the crop simulation models Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) and Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) models that can predict how various climate scenarios will affect agriculture, helping us understand and address future challenges related to food security, poverty, and resource management.
  • Extensive skills using the Trade-off Analysis of Agricultural Systems—Model with Minimum Data (TOA-MD). It's a computer simulation model designed to assess the potential impacts of new technologies or changes in environmental conditions on agricultural systems. The TOA-MD was used in the AgMIP project to Assess the adoption potential of new technologies, evaluate the impacts of climate change, and design policies and interventions that promote sustainable agricultural development.
  • Conduct baseline, outcome, evaluation and end-line evaluation surveys for poverty assessment The Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool (MPAT) which is a helpful tool for understanding and analyzing rural poverty at the household and village level. 
  • Data collection uses state-of-the-art technologies, such as computer-aided personnel interviews (CAPI) by software such as Open Data Kit (ODK) and Survey Solutions. 
  • Processing and statistical analysis of Social Science data. Also, effectively writing and presenting complex scientific research results clearly and succinctly.
  • Processing and statistically analysing biophysical and weather data, running climate simulation models to predict future scenarios. Also, effectively writing and presenting complex scientific research results clearly and succinctly.
  • Wide knowledge and skills in the use of professional software such as ArcGIS Desktop, ArcView, IDRISI Selva, ERDAS Imagine, Java OpenStreetMap (JOSM); and tools such as Google Earth and GPS for natural resources mapping, assessment and management.
  • Experienced in using and applying statistical packages such as SPSS, Statistica and R-Statistical Software for data mining and performing complex statistical analysis, such as Principal Component Analysis, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Multinomial Linear Regressions.
  • My industrial skills lie at the intersection of environmental sustainability and development, encompassing a comprehensive understanding of water and sanitation management, waste management, ecological vulnerability assessment, land use and climate modelling, spatial planning, and project implementation with monitoring and evaluation. Additionally, I can design training and train, coach, and mentor others in these areas.
  • Within this expertise, I bring specific strengths in watershed management and hydrological modelling, land use and climate change modelling, natural resource planning and management, climate financing, and ecosystem-based adaptation strategies.
  • Experience in conducting assessment on Local Government Finance, Local Governance, Local Economic Development (LED), Revised Opportunities and Obstacles for Development (O$OD) and One Village One Product (OVOP)

Research and academic Interests

The main research and academic interests are on natural resources (land, forest and water resources), ecological-based adaptation, waste and energy nexus (utilizing waste streams for energy generation while minimizing environmental and social impacts), The energy-food-water nexus, Solutions to the climate-food-energy nexus, natural resource mapping, cleaner production, water and sanitation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, ecological vulnerability assessments, land use changes and climate change modelling as well as climate finances.